Marine Infantry in
Das Deutsche Heer, Friedensuniformen bei Ausbruch des Weltkrieges
by H. Knötel and P. Pietsch

  "Das Deutsche Heer, Friedensuniformen bei Ausbruch des Weltkrieges" was written and illustrated by H. Knötel and P. Pietsch, and originally published by Diepenbroick-Grüter & Schulz, Hamburg 1935. This massive study was published in two large volumes and covers the entire imperial army in their peacetime uniforms worn just prior to the outbreak of war in 1914. The thousands of illustrations represent every detail of every unit of the imperial army, along with the Marine Infantry of the Seebatallione and the Schutztruppe. These plates are widely regarded to be among the most consistent and accurate available. Plates 167, 169, 170, 170a, 170b and 175b deal with the Marine Infantry and the following pages cover the Schutztruppe. Plate 200 shows swords of both the Marine Infantry and Schutztruppe. The entire book can be purchased as a PDF from Historischer Bilderdienst,  

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